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    English Fitness – Every Day Life

    20 ore



    Il corso Grammatica Inglese è costituito da 30 units, ognuna sviluppata su situazioni specifiche della vita di tutti i giorni.


    L’allenamento della lingua inglese attraverso un ripasso delle strutture grammaticali e l’utilizzo della lingua Inglese in situazioni concrete di vita quotidiana


    • Unit 1 A friend arrives. “To be”, “have got”, regular verbs (affirmative), short answers (“to be”, “have got”), question words (“to be”, “have got”)
    • Unit 2 Breakfast time. Object pronouns, possessive adjectives, frequency adverbs, verbs: 3rd person singular spelling changes
    • Unit 3 Real English food. Present simple, question words, short answers with “do”,  “some” / “any” (introduction)
    • Unit 4 A testing situation. Adjectives and adverbs of quantity, “can”
    • Unit 5 The romance advisor. Countable / uncountable, “some” / “any”, quantifiers: “much”, “many”, “little”, “a little”, “few”, “a few”, expressing desires and preferences: “would like”
    • Unit 6 A room of her own. Present continuous, building the -ing form, uses of the present continuous, spelling changes of verbs with –ing, present continuous vs present simple
    • Unit 7 Who’s doing the chores? “to have”, “have got”, special expressions with “to have”, “have to” for obligation
    • Unit 8 The big make-over. Imperative, giving directions, giving instructions, instructions with impersonal “you”
    • Unit 9 Here comes David. Past simple: “to be”, time expressions with the past simple (on, in, last, when, ago, yesterday)
    • Unit 10 In good hands. Past simple of regular and irregular verbs, spelling variations in past regular verbs
    • Unit 11 Mad about him. Possessive pronouns, Saxon genitive, “what” /”which”
    • Unit 12 A father-daughter chat. Adjectives, “seem” / “look” + adjective, “should”
    • Unit 13 A not-so-typical man. The comparative form
    • Unit 14 A fancy dress. Superlative: forms and exceptions
    • Unit 15 Too tired to do anything! Future with “will” and “shall”, the future with “going to”, difference between “will” and “going to”
    • Unit 16 Love sickness. Question tags with “to be”, with present simple, asking about the subject and asking about the object, verbs with two objects
    • Unit 17 Just friends? Auxiliaries “be”, “have” and “do” and other ways to avoid repetition (“I think so / I don’t think so”,” I hope so / I hope not”), emphatic “do”,
    • Unit 18 Waiting for Lucy. Talking on the phone, “hope” / “expect” / “wait for” / “look forward to”, question words + prepositions at the end
    • Unit 19 Not a traitor. Modal verbs expressing ability, permission, possibility, certainty, advice, responsibility and obligation, “to be good at” / “to be bad at”
    • Unit 20 A dream travel. Review of the future tenses, prepositions of place and movement
    • Unit 21 The Tuscan sun. Different uses of “like” (“to like”, “would like”, “to look like”, “to be like” and “what is he like?” vs “how is he?”)
    • Unit 22 A welcome guest. Past continuous, “let / make someone do something”, “so” and “such” (“so that”, “such that”)
    • Unit 23 This is such a treat! Review of modal verbs that express probability, possibility and certainty, “can” and “be able to”, “to be supposed to do something”
    • Unit 24 Neighbour or boyfriend? Habitual activities in the past (“used to” vs “to be used to + ing”), “going to” in the past, revision of question tags
    • Unit 25 Out of tune. Review of comparative and superlative forms, comparing adverbs, nouns and verbs
    • Unit 26 The winner takes it all. The present perfect + for / since, use of the present perfect
    • Unit 27 Present perfect vs past simple, relative pronouns (also defining and non-defining relative clauses)
    • Unit 28 Heading to Australia. Verb + infinitive / verb + -ing, zero conditional, first conditional, time clauses with present simple (“when” / “if” /”as soon as”, “unless”)
    • Unit 29 Looking for a new job. Present perfect continuous, expressing duration with the present perfect and the present perfect continuous
    • Unit 30 Greetings and departures. Phrasal verbs (classification, separable / non-separable), second conditional


    Il corso Grammatica Inglese si rivolge ad utenti che desiderano fare un ripasso generale delle strutture grammaticali.

    *si potrà usufruire dei corsi in modalità FAD per un periodo massimo di 3 mesi dalla data di acquisto.

    Sono previste scontistiche automatiche per la partecipazione di più persone allo stesso corso, come da tabella sottostante.
    La presenza del prezzo barrato indica che il corso è già stato aggiunto nel carrello.
    Sconti in base al numero di partecipanti
    Iscritti Sconto Prezzo Scontato
    1 - -
    2 - 3 10% -
    4 + 15% -

    I corsi in aula e in videoconferenza partiranno solo al raggiungimento del numero minimo di partecipanti .

    Il corso Grammatica Inglese è costituito da 30 units, ognuna sviluppata su situazioni specifiche della vita di tutti i giorni.


    Scarica la Scheda del Corso




    Con La Risorsa Umana il corso è gratuito per le aziende iscritte ai Fondi Interprofessionali.

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